





business network connections concept 3d illustration
3D illustration of an infinite symbol with the text continuous improvement over white background. Lean management concept
A network of molecules and atoms of glass and crystals constitute a single system. 3D illustration
Team business management as several businesspeople walking in a clear path on a maze or labyrinth as an eraser from a pencil creating a clear path to a successful company solution as a motivation metaphor.
Organization Training and Skills Upgrade as Concept
business network connections concept 3d illustration
3D illustration of an infinite symbol with the text continuous improvement over white background. Lean management concept
A network of molecules and atoms of glass and crystals constitute a single system. 3D illustration
Team business management as several businesspeople walking in a clear path on a maze or labyrinth as an eraser from a pencil creating a clear path to a successful company solution as a motivation metaphor.
Organization Training and Skills Upgrade as Concept


Analyse Your System

Analyse your system complexity by 4-Q-M or other adequate Tools or Methods to prepare discussion about how to develop, improve or innovate your organisation for being able to control it more directly, dynamicly, efficiently and effectively.

Gemeinsam analysieren wir Ihre Organisation mit der Methode 4-Q-M oder anderen angemessenen Instrumenten, um die Kommunikation über deren mögliche Entwicklung, Verbesserung oder Erneuerung zu unterstützen. Dies soll Sie in die Lage versetzen, Ihre Organisation direkter, dynamischer, effizienter und effektiver zu steuern

Discuss Your System

Discuss your system complexity on base of the analysis results by conference, colloquium, workshop or other adequate communication Tool or Method to develop, improve or innovate your organisation for being able to control it more directly, dynamicly, efficiently and effectively.

Gemeinsam besprechen wir die Ergebnisse unserer gemeinsamen Analyse Ihrer Organisation im Rahmen eines Kolloquiums, Workshops, einer Großveranstaltung oder anderen angemessenen Kommunikations-Tools, um die Diskussion über die mögliche Entwicklung, Verbesserung oder Erneuerung Ihrer Organisation zu unterstützen. Dies soll Sie in die Lage versetzen, Ihre Organisation direkter, dynamischer, effizienter und effektiver zu steuern.

Improve Your System

Improve system complexity of your organisation on base of the results of the discussion on base of the analysis results by using adequate Tools or Methods, like activity-based and integrated KPIs and KRIs, for being able to control it more directly, dynamicly, efficiently and effectively.

Gemeinsam verbessern wir Ihre Organisation auf Basis der Analyse und Diskussion unserer Ergebnisse mit angemessenen Methoden oder Instrumenten, wie Aktivitäten-basierte und integrierte KPIs und KRIs. Dies soll Sie in die Lage versetzen, Ihre Organisation direkter, dynamischer, effizienter und effektiver zu steuern.

Develope Your System

Develop system complexity of your organisation on base of the results of the discussion on base of the analysis results by using adequate Tools or Methods for being able to control it more directly, dynamicly, efficiently and effectively.

Gemeinsam entwickeln wir Ihre Organisation (fort) auf der Basis unserer Analyse und Diskussion mit angemessenen Instrumenten, wie Aktivitäten-basierte und integrierte KPIs und KRIs. Dies soll Sie in die Lage versetzen, Ihre Organisation direkter, dynamischer, effizienter und effektiver zu steuern.

Innovate Your System

Innovate your organisation on base of the results of the discussion on base of the analysis results by using adequate Tools or Methods, like activity-based and integrated KPIs and KRIs, for being able to control system complexity more directly, dynamicly, efficiently and effectively.

Gemeinsam erneuern wir Ihre Organisation mit angemessenen Instrumenten, wie Aktivitäten-basierte und integrierte KPIs und KRIs, um Sie in die Lage zu versetzen, Ihre Organisation direkter, dynamischer, effizienter und effektiver zu steuern.

Control Your System

Control your organisation on base of the results of the discussion on base of the analysis results by using adequate Tools or Methods, like activity-based and integrated KPIs and KRIs, for being able to control it more directly, dynamicly, efficiently and effectively after Developing, Improving or Innovating system complexity.

Am Ende steuern Sie Ihre Organisation mit angemessenen Instrumenten, wie Aktivitäten-basierte und integrierte KPIs und KRIs, direkter, dynamischer, effizienter und effektiver. Dies ist unser gemeinsames Ziel.

Abstract image of dna chain on blurred background closup.Stylized image of the globe



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image of dna chain and chemical flasks on biotechnological background

Who is …

We at PRCSM’s R&D Institution komplex are sure that complex business problems in diverse domains can be solved by interdisciplinary analysis and context oriented controlling. Therefore we do research actually focussing on the following question:

How to combine or integrate dynamic complex systems like human organisations or groups in a consistent way.

Management and leadership include designing rules, parameters, visions and culture, modifying management models and adapting them to new contexts, relationships or environments. However, a company can only achieve the necessary flexibility and at the same time the required resilience if its management instruments can be applied to the smallest active elements of the system. That means: if it is managed based on activities the company needs for living and growing.

Advantages of activity- based modelling

An approach that is rigorously focused on human activities as the key basis for consistent management in an enterprise is, in itself, nothing new. However, as the term “activity” has been expanded beyond human actions to encompass objects, it has become increasingly cumbersome in practice. Implementing and maintaining multi-level system of processes on pure object orientation has proved expensive and extremely complicated. Cost accounting focused on human activities is simpler and clearer.

Here, an activity is defined as “an action determined by a human decision, either an act or omission”.

These very small active elements of economic subjects can be used to consistently link changes in business portfolios (products, services, projects, resources and stocks) and movements that make up business processes (flows of value, finance and information). As in activity-based accounting and controlling (ABC) and the subsequent developments activity-based budgeting (ABB) and activity-based management (ABM), human activities are related to one another or combined into overlapping processes.

An organisation consists of a large number of subjects with „will“, or, as Albert Schweizer put it: “I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live.”
With all the current discussions surrounding the issue of digitalisation, there is a growing danger of exaggerating the use of „object“ orientation in modelling and neglecting people and their free will. Decisions are linked to responsibility for the effects they provoke. And it is ultimately people who have that responsibility.
It has only been when discussing questions relating to responsibility for autonomous driving or artificial intelligence that many people have become cognisant of the fact that without human “free will” any discussion of fault is simply obsolete.
However, the debate has largely been focused on the technical level. But as organisations become increasingly complex, it is vital to combine the various developments in the fields of “management” and “leadership” into a consistent “management method”.
Managing risks in a sense of opportunities and threats, for example, should enable people to make responsible decisions and take responsible actions.
This could mean, that we should come back to concentrate on “real human activities” in management and leadership, instead of simply using objects for all flows or stocks or instruments etc. just named „activities“.
Perhaps as a key to overcoming this challenge and to find unique „parameters of human will“.


  • Aktuell: Leiter F&E der PRCSM in staatlich gefördertem Grundlagenforschungsprojekt zur strukturellen Verknüpfung von komplexen Systemen voraussichtlich bis 2025
  • Senior Advisor der plenum AG im Bereich GRC und Outsourcing bis August 2022
  • Langjähriger Vorstand der EPOTECH AG, heute i.EPC Solutions AG, Kelkheim und weitere je langjährige Tätigkeiten als Interimsmanager
  • Mehrjähriger Vorstand bzw. Leiter diverser Vereine und Arbeitsgruppen, u.a. des RMA Risk Management & Rating Association e.V., GVDK Gesellschaft für Vernetztes Denken e.V., DNWE Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik, PhilosophieArena, Redakteur Magazin komplex
  • Mehrjährige Beratung, Projektleitung international im Bereich Tax Compliance für Savills Investment Management
  • Diverse Beratungen, Projektleitung und Moderation, u.a. für KMU aus dem Anlagen- und dem Maschinenbau sowie Implementierungsbegleitung von Investmentprozessen u.a. Zürich Deutschland
  • Ein halbes Jahrzehnt Finanzanalysen Versicherungen und Banken international, u.a. für Odey Asset Management, Capital Asset Management, Fidelity Asset Management, alle London
  • Wissenschaftliche Arbeit und Vorträge, u.a. an der City University London, dem FIAS Frankfurt am Main, der Universität Frankfurt am Main und der HFT Stuttgart


  Andreas Fornefett


  • 11/2021 bis heute Leiter F&E der PRCSM in staatlich gefördertem Grundlagenforschungsprojekt zur strukturellen Verknüpfung von komplexen Systemen
  • 11/2019 bis 08/2022 Senior Advisor der Plenum AG, Frankfurt am Main
  • 01/2010 bis 11/2019 freiberuflicher Vorstand und Partner EPOTECH AG
  • 01/2007-12/2009 Syndikus EPOTECH AG, Frankfurt am Main
  • 08/1991-12/1994 Interim-Geschäftsführer LAWI Gruppe, Löbau
  • 01/1990-12/2011 Geschäftsführer PEER GmbH, Königstein, eine
    Beratungsgesellschaft für Finanzanalysen und SRI international
  • Seit 01/1989 Inhaber der Managementberatung PRCSM
  • Referendariat, u.a. Deutsche Außenhandelskammer La Paz, Bolivien
  • Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und Volkswirtschaft
  • Ausbildung zum Kriminalkommissar, Niedersachsen
  • Schulausbildung in Hann. Münden


Qualifikationen (Auswahl)

  • Führungskraft in verschiedenen Unternehmen, Projekten, Vereinigungen und Arbeitskreisen
  • Berater in diversen Projekten zur Veränderung von Geschäftsprozessen und der Organisationskultur von Unternehmen oder Teams sowie diversen GRC-Themen
  • Konzerngeschäftsleitung GmbH, Interimsmanagement
  • Finanzanalyst Versicherungen und Banken international
  • Bachelor Volkswirtschaftslehre
  • Juristisches Staatsexamen
  • Ernennung zum Kriminalkommissar



  • (Interims-)Management, Restrukturierung, Sanierung, Syndikus
  • Integration von Geschäftsprozess- und Projektmanagement
  • Organisations- und Personalentwicklung, Agile Organisation
  • Risikomanagement und Compliance, Interne Kontrollsysteme
  • Portfolio Management, Implementierung von Investmentprozessen
  • Betriebsunterstützung, „Management as a Service“
  • Coaching und diverse Seminare/Workshops als Referent/Moderator
  • Tax Compliance national und international


Aktuelle private Interessen

Philosophie, Tango Argentino, Klavierspiel, Tennis

CSR Engagement

Schülerwettbewerbe PhilosophieArena